Bespoke artworks just for you

I love working with clients on their commission pieces. It is a wonderful collaborative process between yourself and me the artist.  

It's such an honour and privilege to take your brief and to embark on a journey to produce a unique piece of art,  just for you.

What to expect when you commission me to create an artwork for you.

You can be assured that your ideas will be conveyed the way you wish. The consultations will give you the confidence that the finished artwork will be a beautiful bespoke piece of art, that you can be very proud of.

We will discuss the commission in great detail via consultations. (these can be held via telephone, email, video conferencing).

You will be sent several updates to show you how your artwork is progressing. I will always keep you fully up-to-date with the progress of your artwork. It is important to me you feel part of the creative process and that you have a story to tell others about your artwork.

Find below an idea of what is involved at each consultation.